Weekly Course Update

Once again rain has been the story as it relates to weather, course care and the game of golf.  With the most recent rainfall this week we have surpassed 15 inches on the property since May 1st.  Annual precipitation numbers over a year are generally in the 20 inch range.  Needless to say this rain will have us behind in mowing and other practices on course while we dry out. The last week of June provided enough relief that we were able to mow and maintain all aspects of the property for the first time this season.

Green speeds continue to be inconsistent day to day.  We have at no point this season had control of moisture with all the rain.  We are hopeful that we will have the opportunity to manage moisture levels soon and when we do we will see green speeds become more consistent and in line with the pace we expect. Moisture levels have a significant impact on green speeds.

Some general reminders as it relates to course care.  We are asking that all rickshaws remain off of tee boxes and collars while enjoying your round.  This will assist in managing wear on collars and remove the unsightly look of tires across tee boxes.
The naturalized area to the right of hole 10 is marked with white stakes that have solid green tops.  These stakes and this area are mandatory relief.  Please do not play your golf ball if it ends up in this area.  There is no penalty for relief and is considered an environmentally sensitive and protected area. 

As always please put forth your best effort with ball mark repair.  The relentless rains have had greens soft and vulnerable to larger ball marks.  If not repaired these ball marks become a great environment for poa to encroach which hurts the investment made by the club in these bentgrass greens.  Playing conditions also suffer with unrepaired ball marks.  

Please ensure you rake your bunkers once you have played in them.  We continue to find an unacceptable amount of bunkers not cared for each morning.  The turfcare team does not have the ability or resources to maintain the bunkers daily and your efforts with this basic and expected course care item can provide all members and guests a better golf experience.

This Monday July 8th the tee sheet will be closed until 3pm.  This additional time is required to complete some key agronomy practices.  These practices will assist in setting the stage for the remainder of the summer on greens and assist in ensuring turf health.  We will look to topdress, vent and fertilize greens as well as complete spraying practices across all fairways and tees. These items have not taken place to the level required with all the weather challenges of the season to date. 


Shawn Major, AGS

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