Message from the Course Committee Chair Update #3 – Ball Mark Repair

For this week we will be dealing with ball mark repair and care for the greens. Below you will find some information provided by the course team:

  • An unrepaired ball mark creates numerous maintenance and performance issues. 
  • A ball mark that is not repaired will die.  This dead spot then becomes a prime habitat for poa to invade.  By repairing our ball marks we are ensuring our significant investment in bentgrass greens at Niakwa is protected.
  • An unrepaired ball mark creates poor putting conditions.  Balls will deflect off their line and hop leaving undesirable results for all members and guests.
  • After hitting a great shot onto the putting green, fixing your ball mark and a couple nearby is an excellent way to celebrate!
  • The following link contains an article and video for advice and instruction on how to properly repair ball marks during your round.

Thank you in advance for your attention and care for the course. Please feel free to share with other members that you know or play with.

Paul Beatty,

Course Committee Chair

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