Posting Handicap Scores from Match Play

There appears to be some confusion about what scores (if any) should be posted to the handicap system from any match play events that you play in. Hopefully, we can clear this up once and for all. Read More>>

First of all,  ANY AND ALL scores must be posted, every time you play

So….What score should be posted???????


1. Holes played and completed.   Record score for each hole played and completed.

2. Holes played, but not completed.   If you begin to play on the hole but do not complete the hole, record the number of strokes taken, plus the number of strokes you most likely* would have taken to complete the hole. That number is not to exceed your maximum allowable hole score on the Equitable Stroke Control (ESC) Chart.

3. Conceded Strokes.   Treat conceded strokes the same as #2, Holes played but not completed.

4. Holes not played.   If you stop the match play round because one competitor has already won, record par plus any strokes you are entitled to on the remaining holes. You must, however, play at least 13 holes in order for an 18 hole round to be posted, and must play at least 7 holes for a 9 hole round to be posted for handicap purposes.


1. Holes played and completed.   Record score for each hole played and completed.

2. Holes played, but not completed.   If you begin to play on the hole but do not complete the hole, record the number of strokes taken, plus the number of strokes you most likely* would have taken to complete the hole; again, not exceeding your maximum allowable score on the Equitable Stroke Control Chart.

*Most likely score:   A most likely score is the score a player must post for handicap purposes if a hole is started but not completed or if the player has conceded a stroke. The most likely score consists of the number of strokes already taken, plus, in the player’s best judgment, the number of strokes the player would take to complete the hole from that position more than half the time. This number may not exceed the player’s Equitable Stroke Control limit.

Captain Bill

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