Course Weekly Update

The biggest story of the spring continues to be the weather.  We closed the course this week due to saturated conditions.  At this point the health of our bentgrass greens is a concern.  The traffic from golf and maintenance is more than they can handle with the weather.  We are going to be backing off until we receive some weather conducive to bentgrass.  Greens will slow up and won’t putt as true as experienced. Read More>>

The weather is making it challenging to get the property looked after.  The late start put us in a tough spot and behind in many items.  The continued rains have us getting even further behind. This includes many important items such as

  • Fungicide, fertilizer and herbicide applications to the property with plant health concerns (water required for some applications)
  • Sod repair works across the property
  • Sand addition to bunkers
  • Day to day mowing including rough
  • Stump grinding and removal with sod prep

We have been attending to what we can during the weather events.  When the weather cooperates it is taking our entire team to mow for the game of golf and we have yet to have enough time to catch these programs up.  Patience will be required as it is going to take significant time to attend to the many items we are behind on.  Warm weather will bring a massive flush of growth that will continue to demand the focus of the team daily. There are areas of the property that have yet to dry out this season and areas that we have yet to groom because of this. 

Respectfully submitted,

Shawn Major, AGS

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