Course Update

As we make the turn into June we are hopeful to see some warmth and reduced rain events.  While it has created significant challenges with course care and the game of golf the above average moisture most certainly played a vital role in the improvement of our fairway conditions.

  • There is still recovery needed on course as it relates to the large acres.  We will have a good sense of what will not recover in the next week or two.  We have minimal sod options available for repairs but we will begin to button up some areas around greens this Monday June 3rd.
  • On Monday June 3rd the Turfcare team will be utilizing additional time to look after the property.  There has been significant challenges with weather variables that have some critical programs behind.  We will utilize the additional time to topdress, vent and fertilize greens. We will look to spray large acreage with liquid fertility.  We will do some collar repairs with the sod we have available.  Providing the weather cooperates these programs will aid in providing the membership with better course conditions as we close in on the prime 90 days at Niakwa.
    • In the event that we receive poor weather on the Monday and cannot topdress greens we will capitalize on the next sunny day to make this application in play.  This will mean the topdressing sand will be evident on greens until it dries and then we will brush the sand in through golf. We have not been able to achieve enough sand this spring to protect the greens and smooth them out.  At this point we need to find a way to complete this program around bad weather if required. The sand will not affect the ball roll negatively it will only be beneficial.
  • We are asking all members that walk and use rickshaw’s to refrain from walking the rickshaw on tee boxes and collars.  Please keep the rickshaws to the areas around these key features.
  • With standing water we may soon begin to experience the return of mosquitos. A reminder that bug repellent kills grass.  Any use of repellent should be applied on cart paths or away from turf.
  • Our partners Save Our Seine are looking to plant 1000 trees on June 8th at Marlene Street Park.  They are looking for volunteers to help with this goal.  We have a great relationship with Save Our Seine that has seen them provide and establish 50 trees in the past year at Niakwa.  If you are available and interested we know they can use the assistance.  Save Our Seine will be providing Niakwa with some additional trees to plant this fall. 
  • Flowers are beginning to be planted for the season.  Daphne and her team will continue to plant daily once course preparations are complete and until all flowers are planted.
  • The rough on course continues to thrive and grow with the rain events we have had.  We are doing our best to stay on top of this through the weather challenges.
  • Cart traffic with the wet weather continue to be challenged.  Protecting our course has served us well this spring as we have seen major improvements on the property.  Please remember the clubs rules for keeping carts in fairways when playing and obeying any traffic control in place.
  • Greens are at their summer heights.  We are waiting for control of moisture which assists in increasing green speeds.  While these rain events continue we will not roll as desired.

Respectfully submitted,

Shawn Major, AGS

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