Course Update – August 1

A stretch of extreme heat has been great for the game of golf and course maintenance.  Over the past 12 days we have been relying on irrigation to keep the property in condition which is a welcomed change from the first couple months of the season.  With the heat stresses the Turfcare team has made a couple of product applications to protect and assist with plant health through this window of time.  We are happy with what this product is doing as we have seen minimal turf damage from this period of extended heat.

Greens ball roll continues to be a challenge.  With the humidity being high each day we are losing minimal water from the putting surfaces.  The plants continue to be succulent.  This past Monday we applied a light topdressing to aid in smoothing the greens out and hopefully aid with an increase in speed.  With the forecast to start August seeing a minor cooling trend we are hopeful we will be able to fine tune moisture levels which will also aid in increasing ball roll.

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