Weekly Course Update

The summer heat has arrived which is excellent for continuing to establish the newly seeded greens on the property.  Considering the late start to spring and the less than ideal weather experienced through the month of May we are extremely happy with the progress to date. Read More>>

  • All seeded greens are being mowed daily dependent on weather
  • They are receiving light topdressing sand applications frequently to smooth out the surface
  • Height of cut continues to come down on a weekly basis which in turn assists with turf density
  • Rolling has begun to aid in smoothing out the surface

There are some spots on each green that we will begin to repair out over the next couple weeks.  These are areas that are lagging a little behind the rest of the green.  In an effort to speed up establishment we will utilize our nursery turf in these locations.  This is very common in establishment of new greens especially with the challenges of the spring weather as it related to the seeding process. 

While it is too early to give an exact date on opening these new greens we feel very confident that we should begin to see these greens come into play as we near the later part of July. We need continued cooperation from Mother Nature as we push forward with the establishment of the new greens.

There are peripheral areas around each project work site that need to be completed and perfected.  We are still battling moisture around some of these greens with the combination of rainfall and water requirements for the seed.  We will continue to work on these as conditions and time allows.

The remainder of the property is beginning to catch up.  We are still challenged when it rains with completing all programs. 

  • Saturated areas quickly become standing water in even the lightest rain event. 
  • Large acreage is being mowed more frequently.  We are however reducing the amount of tee and apron mowing for the time being to allow us more labour in other areas of the property.  
  • Greens continue to feel damp and therefore the ball roll is still not exactly where we like it although it is improving. Please repair all ball marks as greens have been soft.
  • The areas on holes 1, 12 and 18 that have been under water since the later part of April did not survive.  These areas will need additional time to dry out and will be significant repair areas when conditions and time allow.
  • Cart paths continue to be in poor condition with the repetitive rain events.  We will focus on this in the weeks ahead.
  • We have caught up with string trimming for the time being.
  • We will focus on bunker weeding and raking in the week ahead to improve the aesthetics of these features. Please rake bunkers when you play out of them.
  • Range net repairs will be completed Thursday June 23rd at 5:00pm.  We apologize in advance for any inconvenience.

The weather has been much better for the game of golf and course maintenance.  We are hopeful we can continue to make forward progress on the property in the weeks ahead.  Have a great weekend ahead and we look forward to seeing you on the course.


Shawn Major, AGS

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