“ The golfer attacks. The designer defends. Such is the adversarial relationship that defines the creation of a golf course”. – Ted Robinson Sr.
“ Every round of golf, on every golf course you play, should put a smile on your face”. -Ted Robinson Jr.
How do you square these statements from one of the golf’s great father/son course architecture teams? Read More>>
Well, golf has changed over the last couple of generations, and the game continues to evolve.
For example, in 2011 the PGA and USGA began a program that urged golfers to check their egos and curb the testosterone. The two organizations partnered in support of the ‘Tee it Forward’ program. The USGA says that:
“TEE IT FORWARD encourages all golfers to play the course at a length that is aligned with their average driving distance. Golfers can speed up play by utilizing tees that provide the greatest playability and enjoyment”.
The idea is to encourage players to play from the tees that best suit how far they hit the ball. Instead of hitting driver, 3 wood, golfers end up hitting driver mid iron or, in some cases, short iron into the green. The USGA and PGA have created a chart based on how far you hit a good drive:

Other methods have been created to help you decide what tees to play.
There’s the Rule of 28, which is based on how far you hit a good drive multiplied x 28. Here’s a link to an explanation of that method published by ‘The Golf Report’. https://www.milesofgolf.com/which-tees-should-you-play/
Then there’s the Rule of 36, which is based on how far you hit your 5 iron multiplied x 36. Here’s a link to that method explained by The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2009/05/04/sports/golf/04pennington.html
Golfers who ‘Tee it Forward’, tend to enjoy the game more at a faster pace of play. Here are some statistics from the USGA website:
A recent survey of TEE IT FORWARD participants found that:
- 56 percent played faster
- 56 percent are likely to play golf more often
- 83 percent hit more-lofted clubs into greens
- 85 percent had more fun
- 93 percent will TEE IT FORWARD again
Moving up a tee box or two is supported by no less than my golf hero, Jack Nicklaus. https://www.ispot.tv/ad/7ZlW/tee-it-forward-featuring-jack-nicklaus
Niakwa has helped enable the Tee it Forward program by adding a fourth tee box. Instead of the traditional Blue White and Red tees we now have Gold, Blue, White and Green. Many Niakwa players are also utilizing the blended tees, Gold/Blue, Blue/White and White/Green which are presented on our white score card.
Most courses have changed the colours of their tee boxes to remove the old connotations associated with Red Tees, or Blue Tees.
A private course where I’m fortunate to be invited to play from time to time in Maui is quite expensive and most Members are well heeled. Recognizing that some of these Members may have egos, the course created ‘Gold’ tees. They’re on the same tee boxes as the forward Red tees, but 3 – 5 yards back…. a little creativity to assuage the pride of the aging captains of industry.