While taking your morning cup of coffee and reading the Sports Section of today’s newspaper, you may have noticed that Niakwa is well represented on the leader board of both the Manitoba Mid Amateur and Manitoba Ladies Amateur Championships.
Niakwa has a history of success in 95 years of competitive golf and 2018 is no exception. Success in competitive golf is important for the Club at a number of levels. Read More>>
For one, success in competition makes us all feel good about our Club, whether we admit it or not. Second, that success raises the external profile of the Club and keeps the Club in the golfing public’s eye. The decision to join a golf club, for an individual or family, is usually a multi year process. The quality of the course and the facility’s location are the primary considerations, but the reputation of the Membership and it’s competitive golfers is always there in the background.
Peewee, Junior, Student, and Intermediate players are especially interested in the competitive reputation of a golf club. Young Members look up to our competitive players, follow their success, and learn from them. Having a steady stream of young players joining, and participating, in the Club is a key element in a long term healthy membership. Niakwa has one of the most vibrant programs for young golfers in the province. our team of golf pros recognizes the importance of growing the game. They do a great job with our peewee, juvenile and junior programs. Our juniors have had a good year in competition with other Manitoba Golf Clubs.
In addition to some fine play by individual members, our competitive teams have had an excellent year. Our Mundie Putter squad finished on top of the regular season ‘A’ Division standings, and won its first playoff match against Rossmere. Playoffs continue next week after a hiatus for the Mid Am. Here’s a link where you can see the Mundie Putter results – https://sites.google.com/site/mundieputter/2018
Our Ladies Nassau team finished third in their regular season ‘A’ Division standings. The Ladies got bumped off by St Charles in the playoffs, but they’ll be gunning for St C next year. Here’s a link to the season’s Ladies Nassau results – https://ladiesnassauleague.wordpress.com
Our Jimmy Doyle Senior Putter team didn’t have it’s best year, but that group has done very well in recent years and has the Championship experience to do it again in 2019. Here’s a link to the season’s Senior Putter results – https://sites.google.com/site/mundieputter/senior-putter-2017
If you want to follow and support our Club representatives here’s a link to the Golf Manitoba Championships web page. You can access info on results by clicking on the ‘Info” hot spot for each event. http://golfmb.ca/2018-championship-schedule/
Finally, no discussion about Niakwa’s competitive success would be complete without a mention of Todd Fanning. As I’m sure you know, in 2017, Todd added the Canadian Men’s Mid Amateur Championship to his impressive list of accomplishments. That win gives Todd an entry, as an amateur, into the 2018 Canadian Open, which will be played at Glen Abbey July 26 – 29. Pretty exciting stuff. We’ll all be rooting 100% for Todd. Go Todd Go!
A healthy level of competition, support of our competitors, and support of competitive events are all very important in maintaining and growing the great game of golf.