Today, Thursday, July 28th will mark the beginning of a new Niakwa tradition and what will surely become a banner event for years to come. We would like to thank all members who are signed up and competing in our inaugural matches. For those that were not able to participate, we encourage you to join us next time on Tuesday, August 23rd. For more information about the event, including format and rules please click here.
There will be two matches this season and the team with the most points will win the elusive “Thompson Cup”.
Tomorrow’s matches have been set and are posted below as well as on online. As part of the fun, we have included some of Niakwa’s history by naming the teams after significant figures from our past. In addition, each team will have their own color and we encourage all players on that team to wear a shirt and / or hat signifying their allegiance.
Team Calkwell, captained by Terry Reilly, is named after Niakwa’s first Golf Professional – George Calkwell Jr.
Team Hodgson, captained by Jonathan Wiegner, is named after the first Club Champion of Niakwa – C. L. Hodgman.
Team Creed, captained by Shawn Major, is named after one of Niakwa’s long-serving Course Superintendents – Cy Creed.
Team Bain, captained by Wade Nybakken, is named after a Founding Member and Past President – Donald H Bain.